Benefits as a Client



As positions are limited, a strict four part recruitment process is followed and only the most promising employment equity graduates and matriculants are selected to be a part of Youth XLS.


Hire for attitude & competency

We hire our youth for their attitudes and work ethic as well as potential and competency.


We mitigate your risk

As this is a experiential learning opportunity for one year, it does not fall within the deeming provision and hence does not carry any of the risk associated with it.



Through partnership we will work to gain a thorough understanding of your business and requirements and will endeavor to meet those needs proactively.



Through Youth XLS, you will have the opportunity to identify affirmative action talent which you are able to absorb into the business to meet your transformation needs, should opportunities arise.


Cost Saving in terms of time and money

Allow Youth XLS to do your lower level recruitment so that your HR staff can be more strategic all whilst saving you money, improving your BEE rating and mitigating your risk.


Fixed cost

Cadets are offered at a fixed daily or monthly fee enabling accurate budgeting. There are no escalations as would be the case when temps work on an hourly basis.

We got you covered

“Running a call centre is a challenging job on any day. In order for it to function it is important that we recruit the best calibre person that we can find. You hire passion and reach the skill. To this end, we have made use of Youth XLS to assist us in sourcing graduates that we can train to be our next business leaders. The relationship has proved to be extremely beneficial. Of the three people we initially received from Youth XLS, two have been made permanent staff members, this in a period of 6 months. The third Cadet has been placed in our graduate recruitment program as part of our strategy team. We have since taken on three additional cadets, all of which show huge potential and who I am confident will be made a permanent part of our family as soon as we have the necessary vacancies. I would recommend the Cadet Academy to any organisation seeking young talent.”

Nyree Torien | Broker Line Team Leader | Stanlib